China Vows to Ramp up Efforts in Flood Control

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2020-12-16 11:15 0
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Rescue workers evacuate children in Mianning county, Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture in Sichuan Province, as the region was hit by heavy rains on June 27, 2020. [Photo/]


BEIJING — China will ramp up efforts in flood control and drought relief to ensure the safety of people's lives and property, according to the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters.

The relevant departments and local governments should bolster the prevention of torrential floods and the flooding of small and medium-sized rivers, and keep a close eye on areas with heavy rainfall to timely evacuate people from dangerous areas, the headquarters said in a circular.

In the meantime, the headquarters will allocate central disaster-relief supplies and assist local governments in flood control and emergency rescue, the circular said.

Three special work teams will be dispatched to Sichuan and Guizhou provinces and Chongqing municipality to provide guidance in disaster relief, according to a video teleconference held by the headquarters and the Ministry of Emergency Management.

Water resources, natural resources and meteorology departments will also enhance monitoring and early warnings, improving their accuracy and coverage, while emergency rescue teams will be prepared for disaster relief efforts.


(Source: Xinhua)